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  • in reply to: Segmentation fault for OpenLB 1.5 #6764

    Hi Fany,

    I mean BCs for the Temperature lattice.
    There is no difference if you write BulkDynamics = ForcedBGKdynamics and then use BulkDynamics by prepareLattice or if you type directly ForcedBGKdynamics in the defineDynamics commands.


    in reply to: Segmentation fault for OpenLB 1.5 #6762

    Hi Fany,

    there is no difference how to call the Descriptor or how You choose the BulkDynamics, the mein point is to keep these names consistent through Your whole Setup. You can set BulkDynamics to ForcedBGK or some other dynamics, it should work without problems. I don’t see the ADE boundary conditions except the TempreatureBC on the wall. What happens on other BCs?

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Extract Velocity Components #6742

    Hello Abhejeet,

    you can try to use the Extract functor directly on the SuperLatticePhysVelocity functor, without buildung a SuperF from it.


    in reply to: Thermal Poiseuille 2D. #6335

    Hi Ramiro,

    by ADE Lattice it would be better to use defineRho() instead of defineRhoU(), because the velocity values are taken automatically from the NSE Lattice by the code itself.

    By definition of the initial velocities you could try to set 0 at the start. At the inlet the necessary velocity should be reached gradually by using the SinusStartScale functor. Such initialization should be better for convergency. If not, then write us again and we will look for an other solution.


    in reply to: Multiphase Solid Liquid Flow #6292

    Dear Ananda,

    rho1 is used as the main density in Navier-Stokes lattice and as inlet density in the transport ADE equation. rho0 is 0 and is starting density in the whole volume of the geometry. Density is in both equations in lattice units. In the ADE equation the density can be seen as lattice volume or mass fraction. This is free to choose for You. You can also take 1 as 30% of real volume fraction and then all results of the simulation must be multiplied by 0,3. Transport equation just distributes the given scalar, it is up to You to choose what for physical sense the lattice density must have. In the bifurcation example this is just volume fraction of 1 that is transported further through the geometry.


    in reply to: Multiphase Solid Liquid Flow #6288

    Dear Ananda,

    In the eulerEuler bifurcation example You can vary the particle volume fraction by changing the rho1 in the prepareLattice section. Per default there is rho1=1, but you can choose any other value.
    To know the volume fraction in some plane You can use the SuperPlaneIntergralFluxMass3D. The way how it is set up, You can also see in the getResults section in the example. If You want to see the volume fraction distribution in the plane, Paraview is to be used.
    Feel free to ask any other question.


Viewing 6 posts - 76 through 81 (of 81 total)