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Regarding dimensions of the domain and simulation killing in Cylinder3D

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Regarding dimensions of the domain and simulation killing in Cylinder3D

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  • #8931

    I am facing two problems in Cylinder3D. They are given below,
    1. I cannot find the radius and dimensions of the domain in the Cylinder3D code as they are well defined in the Cylinder2D code. Is it in the prepareGeometry section or in stl file. And how to change it?

    2. Another problem I am facing is that I set the boundary condition from “setBounceBackBoundary” to “setSlipBoundary” condition and const int N = 200; // resolution of the model, const T Re = 100.; after that the simulation is getting killed when I run it through GPU. What is the issue and how to solve it? Please help.


    ok the 2nd problem is solved for now. Please tell me any solution for the 1st problem I tried like this in the code:
    void PrepareGeometry //
    // existing code
    // Increase the Y-axis length by 50%
    extend[1] = 1.5 * extend[1];
    // Removes all not needed boundary voxels outside the surface


    clout << “Prepare Geometry … OK” << std::endl;

    It didn’t worked out. Can you please tell me how to change the dimenssions? Do I have to edit the code or I have to change the stl file?


    1. The dimensions in Cylinder3D are given by the STL file, so if you ant to change it you need to draw a new geometry in some CAD software or you need to create a new geometry using Indicators like in cylinder2d.

    2. Please use that one: setNewSlipBoundary(SuperLattice& sLattice,
    SuperGeometry& superGeometry,
    int material);
    It is designed for GPU.


    Thank you for your reply. I will try them.


    Dear Bukreev,
    I tried to change the model creating a new geometry using Indicators like in cylinder2d but it didnot worked out. Do I need to preceed with the making of .stl file?

    I changed this part in the prepreGeometry section:

    // // Set material number for cylinder
    // origin[0] = superGeometry.getStatistics().getMinPhysR( 2 )[0]+converter.getConversionFactorLength();
    // extend[0] = ( superGeometry.getStatistics().getMaxPhysR( 2 )[0]-superGeometry.getStatistics().getMinPhysR( 2 )[0] )/2.;
    // std::shared_ptr<IndicatorF3D<T>> cylinder = std::make_shared<IndicatorCuboid3D<T>>( extend, origin );
    // superGeometry.rename( 2,5, cylinder );
    // Set material number for cylinder (new geometry along Y-axis)
    origin[1] = superGeometry.getStatistics().getMinPhysR(2)[1] + extend[1] / 4.; // Centered
    extend[1] = extend[1] / 2.; // Increase along Y-axis
    std::shared_ptr<IndicatorF3D<T>> cylinder = std::make_shared<IndicatorCuboid3D<T>>(extend, origin);
    superGeometry.rename(2, 5, cylinder);


    Sorry, you need to create completely from scratch the geometry first in the main class and then define material numbers in prepareGeometry. If it is easier for you to make a new geometry in CAD, then you can proceed in CAD and export .stl


    Sorry, you need to create completely from scratch the geometry first in the main class and then define material numbers in prepareGeometry. If it is easier for you to make a new geometry in CAD, then you can proceed in CAD and export .stl


    ok then I will do it withb CAD. I think in Solidworks can also be done right? And I just need to replace the .stl file in the folder. Am I right?


    yes, solidworks fits perfectly


    Thank you. I will do that.


    Dear Bukreev
    I want to know one thing. Is the .stl file provided by OpenLB is not editable right?

    Thank you


    What do you mean? Of course you can edit the STL file.


    I tried to edit the stl file with Solidworks. But it seems tobe not editable. Can you suggest any other software for this please.

    Thank you


    You need to convert stl to solib body and then edit it. But I thought that you will just create a completely new part with dimensions that you want and export it as stl.


    Dear Bukreev,
    I have converted to solid body and is still cannot edit it in Solidworks. When I click at the “Imported1” and the Edit Feature, it tells me to open another file. Can you please suggest me on how to do it?

    Thank you

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