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Help on creating simulation of a solid falling into water?

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on Lattice Boltzmann Methods General Topics Help on creating simulation of a solid falling into water?

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  • #8951
    Dan rowling

    So, I am trying to simulate a solid falling into water. But, I don’t know which model should I work on. I tried to modify the falling drop 2d case. But, cant modify it as expected. One problem is how to set boundary condition to moving solid? Should I do it on supergeometry or a separate class like fallingdrop. Also, for solid fluid interaction which model should I choose?


    Dear Dan,

    as you describe it, your application would have to at least use a two-component (e.g. Shan-Chen or Free energy) or free surface model coupled to a particle model (e.g. HLBM).

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